Friday, November 7, 2008

Blog Design

Thanks to inspiration from my friend Susan Tidwell, my blog has a new look. I've been wondering how I go about fixin' it up to be pretty and I've played with all of the settings that I could find in here. I've managed to learn a few things, but I've not been really happy with the look. I still feel like I want to fine tune things, but at least now I feel like it is coming along.

By the way, I would LOVE to have comments. If you are reading this blog, please just leave a short comment (or long if you like) to let me know that you have been here.

I'm looking forward to posting more now that I"m liking the look of the blog. Also, I will be playing with adding pictures to the posts.

Check out Susans blog here: (hopefully I did that right)

Happy Friday and have a fabulous weekend!


  1. BEAUTIFUL! You did it! Thanks for the kudos and the link to my blog. I've "tagged" you - check it out on my blog.

  2. Marylee popped in to see what you're up to!
    Busy girl! Will keep you in prayer on surgery day, too!

  3. Hi Vicki,
    Wow! Congratulations!! You've got a BLOG!! I love the "look" and the colors!! Well done!
    This is very inspiring,but not enough to make me want to start one. You are just too AMAZING!!

    Love 'ya,


Celebrate Fall

Celebrate Fall